Date: 25th Mar 2020

A letter from the Chair of GBCF

During this time of uncertainty across the community, The Great bridge Community Forum, who manage Farley Park lodge, have made the heartbreaking decision as a result of the Prime Ministers instructions to suspend all activities until the foreseeable future.  As a result, Farley Park Lodge, will close on Tuesday 23rd March 2020 and we be reviewed on a weekly basis. We will be taking advice and instruction from Sandwell Council. We will continue to support our community in whatever way we can and encourage them to help each other in these times of uncertainty.  We ask our community to refer to the www.gov.uk/coronavirus website for the latest updates.We will be continually updating our website and social media platforms for the latest information that supports local people.This is a very difficult and heartbreaking decision to make but we must protect and safeguard our Staff, volunteers and wider public who use our centre.  We thank you for your understanding and look forwarding to seeing you all when we are able to do so.

Yours faithfully Maureen Whitehouse

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