A warm welcome awaits you at our weekly 'Places of Welcome' drop-in session. A place where all people feel safe to connect, belong and contribute. Free refreshments and friendly conversation for everyone. Tuesdays 10pm-12pm
Falls Prevention Class
Day: Every Tuesday
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Join our fun gentle exercise class to music for the less able of all ages, targeting balance, mobility, strength & finish off with relaxation. A variety of seated & standing with or without support (optional) exercise routines. Also suitable for wheelchair users or any limited mobility. You wi ...
Boxercise Class in Partnership with Midlands Adaptive Boxing Organisation CIC
Day: Fridays
Time: 10-11am
**NEW TO FARLEY**. Working in partnership with Midland Adaptive Boxing Organisation CIC, we are pleased to announce we have a few spaces left for our Boxercise classes. Fridays 10-11am. Open to anyone age 10+. Ideal for adults who can’t face a ‘traditional gym’ or young people who ar ...
Day: 24th March 2020
A letter from the Chair of GBCF
During this time of uncertainty across the community, The Great Bridge Community Forum, who manage Farley Park lodge, have made the heartbreaking decision as a result of the Prime Ministers instructions to suspend all activitIes until the foreseeable future. A ...
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Day: Tuesday 26th September 2017
Time: 10.00-14.00
Come along for a nibble and a natter. Every slice of cake and cup of coffee helps us make a hugh difference to people facing cancer.
Farley Park A Team
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 12.00-14.00
Our Sports and Social Club for Adults with physical and learning disabilities enables participants to take part in various sports and social activites. Please phone 0121 532 4023 for more information.